Gautam Buddha University is the latest educational institution to sign onto the Green Tuesday Initiative, a campaign created by Vegan Outreach to help schools and other businesses to ditch animal products.
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University in North India Veganizes Nearly One Million Meals Per Year

India’s Largest Hostel Chain Zostel to Add Vegan Meals to All 28 Locations
With the help of nonprofit animal rights organization Vegan Outreach, the chain of backpacker hostels has already begun to veganize its food offerings. The chain’s Agra location, positioned ten-minutes from the Taj Mahal, will serve two plant-based meals a week as well as adding permanent vegan options to its in-house cafeteria. Vegan Outreach predicts that the new dishes will result in roughly 5,200 vegan meals being served each year, and reduce the hostel’s consumption of animal products by 30 percent.

India’s Largest Hostel Chain Launches Vegan Menu in Agra
Animal-rights organization Vegan Outreach helped introduce animal-friendly menus at Zostel Agra, one of the leading locations of India’s largest chains of backpacker’s hostels.

Tech Mahindra cuts down serving meat by 20% to reduce their food-related carbon footprint.
Tech Mahindra, a global IT giant, has partnered with Vegan Outreach to implement their Green Tuesday Initiative at their Hitech City, Hyderabad campus. On August 15th, Mr. C P Gurnani, MD and CEO, Tech Mahindra, launched the Green Tuesday booklet and announced the collaboration. By implementing the Green Tuesday Initiative in their cafeterias, Tech Mahindra will cut down meat consumption by 20% to reduce their food-related carbon footprint.

Green Tuesday Initiative Helps Institutions Reduce Their Food-Related Environmental Footprint!
It only takes one meal per week to reduce your carbon footprint by at least five times. Imagine doing this in all of the world’s workplaces and educational institutions! Consider how much greenhouse gas emissions we can reduce collectively by replacing animal-based foods with plant-based foods once a week.

Tech Mahindra Announces ‘Green Tuesday’ Initiative to Reduce Food-Related Carbon Footprint
Tech Mahindra, a leading provider of digital transformation, consulting, and business re-engineering services & solutions, today announced its Green Tuesday initiative that will be implemented across all the Tech Mahindra campuses in India. As part of the initiative, Tech Mahindra will cut down on serving meat by 20% at its offices to reduce food-related carbon footprint.